I feel grateful and joyful that our parish is alive with multiple forms of prayer, good works of charity and a strong desire to form disciples. Thanks be to God. Today I want to let you all know that I am taking your desire for more formation to heart. During the Synod, listening to you, I recognized the request for you to come to know more about our Lord Jesus and his Holy Catholic Church. You asked very specifically for “more formation.” I believe you want to be formed into better disciples of the Lord. This is done through a process in the Church called Catechesis.
As a result, I have invited a religious sister to be the Director of Catechesis at the parish. Her name is Sister Stella Maris Namae. Starting in the beginning of September she will direct groups in the parish to come to know, love and serve God in this life as disciples of Jesus Christ. She will also lift up our current catechists in helping them be formed specifically as catechists as the Catholic Church intends. She is trained in the art of pedagogy and is experienced in training teachers how to teach. She is also a religious sister who is a bride of Christ having given herself fully in the service of our Lord as another example of how to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. I have full confidence in her ability to direct the parish in this manner with Pati Izquierdo to continue to assist us all in the administration of our scheduled classes.
Our office hours are also set up for you to register for ongoing formation, catechesis, and religious education especially on Sunday from 9am to 3pm, when you come to worship our Lord together with your fellow believers. You, the People of God, asked for more Formation. We have invested a significant portion of our financial resources toward this effort with Sister Stella as our most recent hire. Therefore, we will strive to offer you more opportunities to come to know Our Lord Jesus Christ better in the Good, the Beautiful and True under the direction of Sister Stella.
Occasionally change can be difficult, but I think the transition will be more difficult than the actual change. Thanks for your support and understanding. I am grateful and joyful that the parish is truly alive! Lets’ move forward to create a Catholic culture of prayer, teamwork and discipleship coming here to know Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Good, the Beautiful and the True.
Fr. Jeff